Gardening tools

The Most Essential Tools That Should Be In Every Gardener’s Shed

Whether it is a home garden or community garden you cannot do without proper garden tools. Garden tools are essential for carrying out many jobs in the garden smoothly, jobs such as cutting grass, trimming trees and shrubs, planting flowers, removing trees, digging the soil, watering plants, etc.

There are certain tools necessary to have a healthy and well-looked garden. Although there are many tools available in gardening stores, we will consider the top 5 essential garden tools that every St. Louis garden needs.

Top 5 essential garden tools:


The first essential item on your list should be a trowel that is well-made. Whether it is a container garden or a large bed, a trowel is necessary to get your seedlings and plants into the soil easily.


A hoe with a long handle helps a gardener handle difficult tasks easily. It is used to keep out weeds from your garden. This is accomplished by using the hoe to remove weeds when they start to grow.

careful use of the hoe will help in removing weeds without damaging the roots of your plants. Hoe heads come in many shapes and sizes and you can make your choice.

Hand for or cultivator

Hand forks are ideal for loosening the soil and cleaning up the beds. It helps to cultivate the soil, work amendment into your soil, and chop up any clumps.

These are absolutely essential in beds that are closely planted. it cuts the compacted hard soil smoothly and is also useful for aerating, cleaning the moss, and thatching.

Flower beds and vegetable plots can be easily prepared by using a hand fork or cultivator.

Hand pruners or pruning shears

It is wise to invest in a pair of good quality pruning shears or secateurs, as they are also known. These come in various types and sizes depending on the type of job. They are useful for pruning branches of small diameters.

These are very useful for trimming bushes and shrubs. Trimming regularly will make your shrubs bushy and in the desired shape and size. They are very useful for rose plants that require regular pruning.

Also, fruit and other trees in your garden will need pruning.

Water cans and nozzles

A watering can with a nozzle that creates a fine spray of water is essential for gently watering seedlings and sprouting seeds, over a large area, without washing them away. Choose one with long nozzles.

Learn more essential St. Louis landscaping and gardening tips with LanDesign LLC

St. Louis landscaping tips
